Life Transitions Blog

Suicide, Depression, & More: Walking Through Difficult Conversations with Teens
In my New Orleans practice, I work with parents, teens, and families who find themselves facing a mental health crossroads. Some come with concerns about depression, anxiety, and age-related stressors. Others come with dire worries about self-harm and suicidal thoughts. Regardless of the specific issue, one thing is clear: talking about mental health with teens can be incredibly difficult.

Combating Low Self-Esteem Among Young Professionals and Adults
Low self-esteem can be incredibly damaging to our mental and physical health, as it can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, low motivation, insecurity in relationships and work settings, as well as a lack of resilience in the face of life’s challenges.

Confronting Post-Graduate Depression: What You Need to Know
For many college graduates, the future is bright with hopes of a successful career, financial security, and a jumpstart on life. But for some, post-graduate depression can be an unwelcome surprise.