Life Transitions Blog

How Burned-Out Millennials Are Overcoming Challenges with Therapy
We’ve all seen the headlines about burnout among millennials – whether due to a demanding work culture, high expectations set by society, or both.
Young professionals, in particular, feel pressure to reach their goals while dealing with everyday anxieties and stress. Many are turning to therapy as a way to cope and improve their mental health.

Millennials and the Potential for Self-Actualization
The idea that reaching one's fullest potential is something worth striving for doesn't get enough attention in our hyper-distracted modern landscape. Many of us are preoccupied with shorter-term, more easily gratified pursuits, but the long game of personal grown is definitely one worth striving for.

Making Their Way: Unique challenges of being a Millennial
When you see the numbers, you may wonder what is happening with Generation Y.
• Millennials make up about a quarter of the U.S. population
• 37% of millennials are unemployed
• Approximately 1/3 of millennials still live with parents
• In 2013, only 30 % of young people (ages 20-34) were married, (compared to 77% in 1960)

Neverland: The alarming new trend with Millennial men
Recently there have been several articles in prominent publications and television news pieces about the alarming trend of young men failing to launch into adulthood. Many of the articles look at this disturbing trend from the angle that positions young women as more ambitious and better educated than their male counterparts making the story seem like a positive one.

Working World: Career Advice for Millennials
The job environment that Millennials find themselves in, is different than any that has come before. Fortunately for many of you reading this, a recent article posted by HowMoneyWalks.com suggests that New Orleans is the best city to be launching your careers in.